About Us

SAGE Nonprofit Mission

We inspire people over fifty to give forward with their time, money, and voice so that younger and future generations can thrive.

Together, we believe:

  • Each generation can improve the quality of life for the next.
  • We need each other, and together we are stronger.
  • Everyone can give forward so future generations can thrive.

SAGE was formed to honor the wisdom in the Greek Proverb shown on this page. The tree in our emblem is the tree in the Greek Proverb. SAGE’s tree has seven branches for the seven coming generations to consider in our decision-making. Each of those branches represents a child reaching upward to their full potential. The tree is surrounded by a circle, representing Earth and the horizon of our own lives and the promise of continuity between generations.


What we do

SAGE sparks the imagination and commitment of people over fifty who believe in generational equity: each generation has the responsibility to give forward and improve the quality of life for the next.

To accomplish our work, we raise awareness about major challenges facing future generations with a focus on education, the environment, and the economy (the 3 Es). We also connect people to resources and opportunities to get involved, and we train and support people to actively engage in social causes and nonprofit organizations. SAGE works across generations because we need each other and the future needs all the advocates it can get.

Each year, we aim to inspire, train, and support over 1,000 people to give forward in their communities. Across our work, we collaborate with partners and volunteers to bring to life this Greek Proverb at the heart of SAGE:

A society grows great when its elders plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.

For a summary of our work, download the SAGE Flyer or the SAGE Takeaway. Learn more about our approach by reviewing SAGE's three Practices to Advance Equitable Outcomes.

SAGE is funded by individuals, businesses, and foundations. Our supporters are featured in our Annual Reports.

Why we pursue this work

Younger and future generations face major educational, environmental, and economic challenges, while systemic inequities continue to fuel disparities. In these times, older adults have much to give. In the United States, over 10,000 people turn 65 every day. Many in our community are beneficiaries of the longevity revolution — the near doubling of our expected lifetimes in a short period of human history. As a result, older adults have more opportunities to give forward with their time, money, and voice than any previous generation.

Through building a diverse and engaged community of advocates (Sages), we contribute to positive social change for coming generations. At the same time, we actively counter negative stereotypes about aging by supporting and honoring elders who are giving forward.

In the past 10 years, we have trained and supported thousands of people through our workshops, discussions, fellowships, Visiting SAGE lectures, and through our four teams devoted to mentoring, climate education, healthy democracy, and electric vehicles. SAGE nonprofit work is primarily in Oregon, and network with groups in other parts of the USA.


What is a generational equity concern

SAGE raises awareness about long-term challenges that can impact society for decades or generations. Here’s some qualities that underlie these concerns.

  • Tug of wars: where a swifter response to a problem results in near-term costs, but a slower response results in higher long-term costs
  • Course corrections: where a community issue shows early signs of harm, but we continue down the path even though the harm is likely to increase
  • Time bombs: where a practice or policy doesn’t clearly threaten today’s generations, but presents significant risks to the future

Why is it important to focus on the future?

Society is a partnership across generations, and we have a duty of care to the future. Our actions today can impact the future in positive and negative ways and for many centuries. At SAGE, we inspire, train, and support people to take actions that improve conditions for today and tomorrow.

"A society grows great when its elders plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in."

- Greek Proverb

The 3 Es: Education, Environment, Economy