SAGE Central Oregon

(Deschutes County)

Thank you for your interest in SAGE's work in Central Oregon.

SAGE is a nonprofit organization that believes in generational equity – the principle that each generation should improve the quality of life for the next. Our mission is to inspire people over 50 to give forward with their time, money, and voice so that younger and future generations can thrive.

We offer a speaker series, workshops, discussion groups, and we train fellows to lead community benefit projects for nonprofit partners. We also sponsor teams that focus on healthy democracy, climate education, intergenerational mentoring, and promoting electric vehicles. Learn more about SAGE.

We offer three placed-based initiatives in Deschutes County, Central Oregon:
  • One-to-one advice. During our one-to-one meeting, you tell us what you care about and how you want to make a difference. We match your goals and interests with an organization or opportunity that’s right for you. We are proud to promote many nonprofits that are active in Central Oregon. We can also share more about SAGE's work and how you can get involved. Contact us to meet with a Community Connector.
  • Group events. SAGE offers many community events in the form of discussion groups and workshops to complement our one-to-one support. We also regularly partner with individuals and organizations to offer private and customized events. Learn more about attending or hosting a SAGE event.
  • Diamondbacks Tutors. As a tutor, you meet with a High Desert Middle School student in person or online once a week for 30 minutes to help them develop and practice language skills. Some tutors also help with math. Learn more about tutoring.


Watch this site for exciting new events in Central Oregon. Contact us to find out and join our team!

Looking for more ideas? View Volunteer Central Oregon for more opportunities.

Central Oregon Partners

Civics Learning Project

Classroom Law Project

Classroom Law Project brings vital and engaging civics and law-related education programs into Oregon schools, teaching students at all grade levels the values and skills essential to participating in and strengthening democracy. There are many opportunities for members of the legal, judicial, and business community to volunteer to prepare youth to become active, engaged, and informed participants in their communities. 

Email: or call (503) 224-4424. For opportunities in Central Oregon, email Amy Sabbadini,

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Think Wild Central Oregon

Think Wild is a wildlife hospital and conservation center for Central Oregon that specializes in wildlife rescue and rehabilitation, education and outreach, and conservation services. You can get involved in a variety of roles at the wildlife hospital, habitat restoration and native planting, construction and maintenance, education and outreach, at-home projects, and much more. Call 541-933-5437 or email

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Latino Community Association

LCA is an essential connecting point for our immigrant community in Central Oregon. We help families find employment, file their taxes, work through legal issues, improve their English, achieve citizenship, and connect to new opportunities and resources. We give our clients the time to be heard and understood. Volunteers support across all of our services and programs, bringing people together across cultures to build a more cohesive community. Call 541-382-4366 or email

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C4C is a non-partisan organization in Sisters, Oregon that works with community members to promote healthy civic discourse and to help build collaborative skills and local networks. We host and support programs and projects that enhance teamwork and foster a more prosperous, empowered Sisters Country - one increasingly ready to address opportunities and challenges as they arise. Email

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Bend Food Project

The Bend Food Project is dedicated to the year-round collection of non-perishable foods. All foods collected stays in the Bend/LaPine/Tumalo and Sisters communities. There are many volunteer opportunities available. You could sign up to help at a collection site, be a neighbor leader and help neighbors sign up to fill a Bend Food Project bag. You will make a difference in someone’s life who is experiencing food insecurity.

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Financial Beginnings Oregon

Financial Beginnings Oregon empowers youth and adults to take control of their financial futures by providing free personal finance flasses to Oregonians of all ages. We are volunteer powered - our dedicated volunteers bring our programs to life in the classroom. Call 800-406-1876 or email

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KIDS Center

KIDS Center is dedicated to the prevention, evaluation, and treatment of child abuse. Volunteers help the organization provide critical services to an ever-growing number of children and families affected by child abuse in Central Oregon. There are many different volunteer opportunities, from helping out at the front desk to supporting an event. Call 541-383-5958 or email

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Community Conversations Bend

Community Conversations Bend offers events in Central Oregon for community members of all backgrounds to share stories and discuss issues that matter. There's an open feeling of trust and a bubbling up of ideas that break down the silos that are dividing our communities across the country. 

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NAMI Central Oregon

NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. NAMI Central Oregon offers volunteer opportunities and free support groups for people experiencing mental health challenges and their families. Visit or call (541) 316-0167 to learn more. 


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Oregon Natural Desert Association

ONDA encourages people to get to know Oregon's high desert and to take steps to conserve it for future generations. Each year, hundreds of ONDA volunteers protect and restore public lands in eastern Oregon. As a volunteer, you might find yourself restoring streams, improving trails, monitoring wilderness areas, mailing thank you letters, or welcoming people at ONDA events. Learn more at our website, call 541-330-2638, or email

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NeighborImpact represents and serves economically disadvantaged residents of Deschutes, Crook, and Jefferson counties and the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs. Their mission is to support people and strengthen communities. There are many ways to get involved. Call 541-548-2380 or email

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CASA of Central Oregon

CASA is a nonprofit organization that recruits, trains and supports volunteers who advocate for the best interests of abused and neglected children in the court system. CASA volunteers work within the courts in collaboration with key agencies, legal counsel and community resources to ensure that every child in foster care in Central Oregon can transition into a safe and permanent home.

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Volunteer with SAGE

We love volunteers, student projects, and pro bono help! We welcome volunteers for a few hours or long-term commitments.

Volunteer with SAGE Partners

SAGE partners with many nonprofits that offer direct service and advocacy roles to strengthen education, restore our environment, promote economic opportunity, and boost civic leadership.